
BackPack Buddies

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HELP in stocking the shelves for Backpack Buddies. 

We currently serve around 50 students at HMS and HHS weekly. For the month of February, items needed are granola bars and flavored oatmeal packets. Items can be dropped off in the Slaughter Fellowship Hall or the church office. 

If you have any questions, please contact Elaine Frix (205-269-6525) or Tammy Gaskin (205-269-0215). 

Helping Hand

Thank you for a wonderful start to a new year from the Helping Hand Committee at HMC! 

This month the Helping Hand committee served six families with help on their power bill. The Harvest of Hope monthly contribution was made. Our monthly donation was also given to Littleville Backpack Buddies, which is a community effort to supply food to needy children at the Haleyville Elementary School. They are presently serving 93 students in this program.

Our committee will meet next month on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, from 10-12:00 in the Genesis classroom in the Slaughter Fellowship Hall. We would love for you to join us. 

We appreciate ALL of your prayers and support as we work to build HIS kingdom. 

In His Prayers,

Dwight, Lelton, and Tammy

Nell Corbin Ladies Circle

This circle is working hard to spread the light each and every day. Our Sunshine Cart blessed January birthdays plus several other “Light-filled “ treats for the staff at Haleyville Middle School. 

The new project for our circle this year is serving both the Azalea Manor and Rose Manor residents. We are looking forward to continuing this project throughout the year. 

A donation was given to the Upper Room food ministry also. The card ministry for shut-ins and college students is going strong. This group meets each month at 7:00 a.m. on the fourth Sunday in the Genesis Classroom, Slaughter Fellowship Hall. Light Refreshments are served at the meeting.

We would love for you to join us !


#BetheLight #Matthew5:14

Operation Christmas Shoeboxes

February items:  Marbles, dominos, harmonicas, small puzzles, small lego sets, yo-yos

(These can be found at Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Five Below, Amazon, etc. Thank you so much!!

Love, Mrs. Ashley

Matthew 25:40 - The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’


LovePacks are backpacks filled with "love and comfort items" specially created for Winston County, AL children arriving to their new foster home on their first night. We are solely funded by your generous donations. 

Posey Whiteside heads up this ministry. She is a senior at HHS and a member of HMC!  This is a much needed service for Winston Co DHR and we are so happy to support LovePacks.

LovePacks is always in need of backpacks, fleece blankets, small toiletries, stuffed animals, coloring books, crayons, food gift cards, pjs (infant through adult large). Items can be dropped off in church office or at Kidsport Gym by CVS.

Blessing Box

A Blessing Box is located at the residence of Bob and Pam Masdon:

2744 9th Avenue, Haleyville, AL 3565

Non-perishable items may be put in the box at any time. Anyone may take items from the box as they are needed.  

Suggestions: small toiletries, wipes, pop-top canned goods, cereal, pop tarts, peanut butter, shelf stable milk, canned meat, etc.